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- Limassol is the second most important city in Cyprus, and in terms of business activity it is perhaps even the first city in Cyprus. The city is located in the central part of the southern coast of Cyprus and Limassol has the largest seaport on the entire island. If you plan to move around the city quickly, it is better to use the services of a reliable taxi https://taxi-cyprus.eu/taxi-in-limassol/Limassol is the second most important city in Cyprus, and in terms of business activity it is perhaps even the first city in Cyprus. The city is located in the central part of the southern coast of Cyprus and Limassol has the largest seaport on the entire island. If you plan to move around the city quickly, it is better to use the services of a reliable taxi https://taxi-cyprus.eu/taxi-in-limassol/0 Comments 0 Shares
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