An ABA therapy clinic is an invaluable resource for those seeking ABA therapy for autism, mental health disorders, or developmental or intellectual disabilities. This is a dedicated space where an individual can meet with a behavior interventionist or therapist who will help them develop a plan to meet their goals and objectives in regards to improving socially significant behaviors, acquiring life skills, and reducing interfering behaviors.


If you have been looking for an ABA clinic near you, here are some things to consider:


  1. Who do they serve?

Not all ABA therapy clinics serve every demographic. Some may be geared towards ABA therapy for autism, while others may focus on ABA therapy for mental health disorders. Consider the age groups they specialize in as well. While many clinics welcome individuals of all ages, some may specialize in ABA therapy for toddlers and children, while others are more experienced with adults. No matter what kind of ABA therapy you require, be sure the clinic in question not only offers it, but specializes in it.


  1. Where do they operate?

Some ABA clinics only offer in-house services. This can be limiting when trying to make ABA therapy work with your schedule. For flexibility, look for clinics that offer off-site sessions at home, school, community settings and even online. This variety of settings can be beneficial to the individual receiving the therapy, both out of convenience, and as a way to fully integrate ABA therapy into their every day life.


  1. What services do they offer?

ABA therapy is a multi-step process that continually adapts to a person’s goals and development. But outside of the actual therapy, many clinics also offer support services that can supplement the sessions. Examples of these include parent or caretaker training, consultation services, and social skills groups. The latter is especially useful for individuals who could benefit from a safe space to practice social skills with their peers. Parent and caretaker training is also extremely beneficial for ensuring that the parent or caretaker has all the skills and knowledge necessary to provide support while also reinforcing concepts learned during therapy sessions.


  1. Who works at the clinic?

An ABA clinic should have several certified staff members that are able to offer ABA therapy services. This should include a combination of ABA therapists, behavior interventionist and behavior analysts. When you browse their website, or when you contact them for a consultation, be sure to find out who will be conducting the therapy sessions, what their qualifications are, and how long they have worked at the clinic. If you are looking for someone who specializes in a certain type of ABA therapy, such as for autism, ask about their experience in this area.


  1. What are other people saying about them?

Any reputable ABA clinic in your area will have plenty of reviews and testimonials from current or previous clients. They will have transparent ratings on external websites, as well as on their own site. In addition to asking around your social network for recommendations, double check that they are well received by others in your community before contacting them for an appointment.

Source: ABA therapy session