When it comes to GPS, everyone must be very familiar with it, but when it comes to 4g lte gps tracker, it will feel a little unfamiliar. Many people will think that my mobile phone positioning is enough, and 4g lte gps tracker is useless. In fact, this is also because many people do not understand the 4g lte gps tracker equipment, so the understanding of these aspects has certain limitations, so it is impossible to actually feel the use of the 4g lte gps tracker. Let's analyze with many people in which areas 4g lte gps tracker can play a role and what are the uses?

car rental 4g lte gps tracker

1. Vehicle leasing

Rental cars and auto mortgages collectively refer to the field of vehicle leasing. In the field of vehicle leasing, it is most likely to cause problems such as car theft, vehicle overdue (payment), and absconding with the car, and 4g lte gps tracker can provide accurate vehicle location positioning information to assist the vehicle leasing industry in retrieving the car, Reduce damage.

2. Logistics and transportation

Logistics transportation not only refers to the field of express transportation, but also covers the cold chain transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables, cargo transportation and catering industry transportation, takeaway and so on. In the field of logistics and transportation, high timeliness and fast delivery are required, but sometimes superiors and customers cannot grasp the actual transportation status of the car. After having 4g lte gps tracker, superiors and customers can immediately check the actual transportation status of the goods on the GPS platform, Predict the arrival time of the goods and prepare for pickup in advance.

3. Student Safety

Wearing an electronic student ID card with 4g lte gps tracker function, students can deal with many problems such as difficulty in going to and from school, out of control in emergencies, etc., and protect the safety of children in an all-round way. Not only can you grasp the status of children arriving and leaving school in real time, but also know the information of children entering and leaving home. When students enter dangerous areas, such as dams, black Internet cafes, construction sites, etc., they must be warned immediately so that parents can take immediate safety precautions.

4. Animal Management

Animal management includes livestock such as cattle, sheep and horses, as well as pets such as cats and dogs. Let’s talk about animal husbandry first. The animal husbandry data can be collected according to the 4g lte gps tracker. The herdsmen can conduct grazing management, positioning monitoring and health status inquiry anytime and anywhere according to the APP. According to the traceability system, managers can avoid inbreeding, help eugenics, complete grassland supervision, and deal with grassland decline caused by overgrazing. Besides pets, there are more and more people raising pets such as cats and dogs. It is inevitable that pets will be lost due to negligence. The pet 4g lte gps tracker can prevent risks very well.

4g lte gps tracker https://www.eelinktracker.com/news/the-reason-why-we-need-4g-gps-tracker-not-2g-3g-gps-tracker.html