Credit cards allow not only to receive a loan in non-cash form, but at the same time in cash. The essence of such an operation is that a bank client can take out a loan at any time within the previously agreed monetary limit, in accordance with the established conditions. It is worth noting that for consumer loans, the repayment period is up to seven years, and for bank loans - up to a year. At the same time, the bank's client must repay the amount for the established percentage body of the loan every month (or once in a different period). The peculiarity lies in the fact that all bank credit cards have a grace period. It allows you not to pay interest on withdrawals within a specified period. This means that if you are a conscientious borrower and repay your financial obligations during the grace period, you will not have to pay interest on the loan. This service is extremely popular in economically developed countries, which is due to the possibility of using “foreign” funds while personal “work” or go to other needs.

The provision of a credit limit and its conditions depend on the individual situation of the client, as well as on his reliability and creditworthiness. Each bank reserves the right to assess the creditworthiness of the client and check its reliability, which is one of the conditions for granting a loan. The Bank also reserves the right to refuse to conclude an agreement and issue a card on the basis of an assessment of the creditworthiness and reliability of the client.

You can repay the debt on the card either with the funds available on the card repayment account or by transfer from another bank account. The maturity date is the date the funds are credited to the card account.

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