Oh, and Animal Crossing Items please remove blatant reposts of all top-scoring posts in the sub. I really don't care if they claim they saw it on Facebook, it had been only on our front page a week ago (which is likely how the individual on Facebook watched it and submitted it), and generally I think there should be a"in case you didn't make it, avoid posting it" rule.

Some of the common occurrences posts are a problem, that is if they are just that, common. I really do appreciate landmark articles, but I can be irritating to view 5 of the same I only got a blue rose or I simply got 5 stars posts. It is a hard call because those are extremely important moments & genuinely fun to share. However, I think the milestones should remain because general, it's an enjoyable way to bond as a community, celebrating together.

It would be quite tough to enforce the spoilers rules. Even with out hacking, a person in state, New Zealand, could have the new update nearly a full day before I get it on the west shore. They can post an image that's untrue and not a spoiler for them but it might ruin a surprise for me due to the time gap. Everyone understands people time traveling in AC & it's a long haul game, so the risk of being subjected to spoilers is large. This risk & responsibility should be on the individual browsing, not the responsibility of the poster. That said I do think a spoiler dash of any kind would be nice, just to have the choice, because it's bothering to be spoiled on something, and we are all just trying to have fun here. I have a feeling people would get accustomed to the flair eventually and much more folks would begin using it!

No problem buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Nook Miles Ticket with the memorial posts here. If it appears to sad for me that day I just keep scrolling.