An occasion to share the promo video. If you post the game's related video uploaded at SUN Classic Heim the Webzen official YouTube channel on your social network and authenticate the video on the event's page you will be awarded an item from the game 'ether crystal in the form of a lottery.
You can also invite friends to play with you. A URL for inviting friends is made on the event page , and then shared with other people. Additionally, various game items are made available when the friend is willing to play the game via the link. The more friends you have your circle, the more points you will receive.
Webzen will have the highest level of completeness in July. In order to introduce games, we're focusing on checking the fun of core content and service stability. We are planning to reveal a specific date for release as soon as we can and begin a game service.
Meanwhile, A PC online game released through Eun Webzen in the year 2006. This is a remake of the game's overall system. Explore dungeons and fields. You can also increase the pleasure of buy SUN Classic Heim farming through the collection of various equipments as well as items to enhance characters.