She talks about how she'll be fine, and she has gone to buy OSRS Gold the face lots of times, how she could stay together with the land goblins or even go on a few adventures of her own that made me grin because you in a sense influenced her to search her own experiences, like you. When you notice how to go with her, she insists that you don't, saying she needs to sort her head and consider her fate in my present location right now, I felt that so hard, I'm in my crossroads. She notes she surely see you again.someday. You say goodbye. She leaves and takes out her sphere. Poof. However often I play with this questline, a few of the parts of it are saying goodbye to her, and you do it a few days and it never gets easier. I won't stink anymore because you should go play this exploration and revel in it yourself, but damn if that part doesn't hit me every moment.

Why I love it so much and the resonance that this certain part comes in our present climate, I only wanted to discuss how this quest made me feel. Additionally, to exemplify why Zanik is a ABSOLUTE BOSS of a character and I miss her so muchbetter. I geeked out and recapped a part of the quest. Sorry, not sorry. Also to note that Jagex will mess up a great deal of things but their storylines still hit me in the feels. Agreed. Zanik is a great character and still was. Folks simply don't like her too much where it seems she does not belong since she's been re-used in a lot of content. And some of her reworks were terrifying.

I really don't think people hate Zanik as a personality right now, but has a issue with how Jagex is currently placing her she does fit into. The Mighty Fall is the ideal conclusion to her story arc, especially if you choose to spare her. Her narrative should have just ended there with her top the Bandosian to recover Yu'biusk, to take her destiny in her own hands and providing"the Chosen Commander" a whole new meaning: not as a commander in the war of a god she despises, but as a commander of a man to reverse the past mistakes a tyrant had driven them. If Jagex wants to bring her back, I can even argue that this opens up the potential for a future Yu'biusk storyline.

Instead where she's quite out of place, then she kinda became this representative of the Underworld. About resisting a destiny, her entire story was about freedom and independence. Reducing her role to cheap Runescape gold an emissary can only be described as"odd" at best. Like put her in a role she's nothing to do with if her narrative has a good conclusion? Then. She became the surface of the Bandosian digsite as well.