The Paladin's identity gauge Lost Ark Gold is called the piety meter, and it fills slowly on its own in battle, and increases in the event of an attack. Once it's full , you can activate one of two identity abilities that each enhance one of the Paladin's sides. The Sacred Executioner helps you become better at DPS which increases the range and damage of all Punish abilities, which is what the sword-swinging capabilities are called. Holy Aura is a damage boost for party members within its broad range, and with the right Lost Ark engraving becomes your primary healer.
The only downside to the Paladin is how important engravings are to making the player feel valuable. If you're a Paladin is your primary character job, then you'll likely have plenty of engravings simply by doing sidequests while you progress to 50, but should you decide to use a Paladin as an alt it will be difficult to locate those engravings that you'll need. Even if you do this, it's a split focus which means that a Paladin isn't going to be the most proficient at either thing.
One benefit that comes with being a Paladin, not tied to their powers is that being one of them makes you feel that you are part of the story. The first continent of Lost Ark sees you being chosen by an angel who fights alongside a priest and a king, as well as becoming a knight. It's typical Paladin action, and the cutscenes seem to be designed to be fought with a sword. It sure looks strange when one of the characters from the range is forced the option to use their weapon in order to bash someone up-close to tell a story.
Like the majority of best place to buy Lost Ark Gold Lost Ark classes, the two possible builds are based on the two class engravings unique to the Paladin. Judgment will increase the damage dealt by your Punish skill, piety meter gain, also the period of use of the sacred Executioner identity skill by 100%, while Blessed Aura alters the effect from Holy Aura's Holy Aura identity skill so that it decreases the damage you receive and heals over the course of time.