What does Trademark Public Search Stands For?

Businesses may do a trademark public search to see if a trademark is available in India. Companies can use a public inquiry to identify existing registered trademarks by searching public web data. Consequently, it can assist businesses in avoiding the use of the same brand and instead identifying a distinctive and differentiating mark. The trademark office only gives such intellectual property rights to original and authentic applicants. As a result, the trademark office will reject your application if another trademark with the same name, symbol, or logo as yours already exists. Individuals and businesses must guarantee that their trademarks are distinctive before filing for registration. 

Why is Trademark Public Search Important?

When it comes to trademarks, many individuals have similar concerns. The first is why do a trademark search in the first place. This is the main question that is asked very often in a variety of ways. Is it also required to do a search? Most of them wish to evade the investigation by filing a trademark application. 
know more about online trademark registration