Ignore what New Horizons Items the meat of each guide may be about, the point is there are many people (and more worryingly, many popular books ) that are pushing for black-only distances with the reasoning that black men and women are so oppressed they need safe spaces without whites from them (because apparently they're so emotionally weak they literally cannot handle the sight of a white man, yay, empowerment).

I have sadly been to aware of this cancerous facet of social justice/woke civilization for decades now and I remember 6 years back (if"SJWs" were all the rage and the worst thing awakened civilization had produced thus far) people laughing at people worrying about the tendency of awakened discourse spreading more and more.

"They are just college kids, you invest too much time on the internet and see this all of the time, ordinary people don't feel that, it is not gont affect society in any way" they stated.

Afterward those college kids graduated and began working for these institutions (crazy, I know, who could have predicted that would happen?) And started spreading their idiotic beliefs all over the area to the point where now we've shit like this being completely normalized.

It not quite mainstream yet, many average individuals have no idea this is occurring, but that's the issue: it's definitely happening and dismissing it and stating"it's merely twitter" is only going to let it grow longer and more till it will become mainstream. By then it is going to not be possible to slow it down since any kind of argument against it will be met with accusations of racism/sexism/whatever because that's the entire buy Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells point of identity politics.