While current Chanel bags like the Boy Bag, the Chanel 19, the Filigree Vanity Case, and the Deauville are still hotter than ever on the resale market, the obsession with vintage Chanel pieces like the Camera reusable shopping bags wholesale and the Diana Bag continues.

Many aficionados claim the quality of Chanel bags have decreased drastically since the early 2000s, and we can see why this may be true and cause shoppers to consider vintage Chanel. Some vintage Chanel bags were made of even better-quality materials than today, with real 24K gold hardware on many bags produced before 2008. When nowadays it’s just gold-tone hardware, and sometimes the stitching is uneven, the best soft cooler bag is dented, and the flimsiness of the materials causes it to lose shape much more quickly.

Plus, with the massive price hikes on some of Chanel’s newest models, consumers have jumped ship for the vintage side of Chanel. And while the prices on the vintage pieces have also increased due to supply and demand, some of the best vintage Chanel bags of the past wholesale tote bags  still considerably cheaper than today’s $10,000 Chanel Jumbo Classic Flap Bag.

Launched in the 1980s, the Chanel Camera Bag was a fashionable reinterpretation of the camera cases used by photographers and reporters. Since then, the Camera Bag has become iconic. This square-shaped bag may be small but has lots of space. Crafted in quilted leather with the CC logo, a top-zip closure and the classic chain crossbody strap, this cheap travel bags, elusive design is a highly sought-after piece on the resale market.

The Chanel Grand Shopping Tote (GST) is Chanel’s most classic, iconic, and roomiest shopping tote. Featuring classic quilting, the double C motif, open and zippered compartments, and split travel bags handles, it’s no wonder this now discontinued shoulder bag is fetching top dollar on the resale market.

The bag comes in three different sizes, the Petite Shopping Tote, the Grand Shopping Tote, and the Grand Shopping Tote XL. As a classic piece, it’s only available in classic quilting, and mostly produced in caviar leather, but there are a few patent and lambskin options on the bike bags for sale market. It’s also available in a rainbow of colors, from white to blue and traditional black.

While not yet exactly vintage, the Medallion Tote, which launched in 2006, is one of our best sellers and most requested bags. Featuring a large CC motif, classic Chanel quilting, and long top handles, this roomy tote is lightweight and for many years, was one of the hottest carryalls around.

The Medallion Tote is only available in 12.5“ x 10“ x 6“ and was produced in two types of hardware, but many different colors and combos. It was mostly produced in caviar leather, but you can find some bags in lambskin, patent leather, and even velvet.

Introduced by Karl Lagerfeld in 1989 (production ended in the mid 90s), the Diana Flap Bag was made famous by cheap organizer bags Diana who carried the small version. This single strap bag, which also comes in a medium-sized version, was crafted in diamond-quilted lambskin leather and features gold ‘CC’ hardware, the classic chain strap, and a border trim on the curved front flap.

With an internal zip and slip pocket and leather lining, this timeless classic is large enough to hold small best tool bags but shouldn’t be weighed down. The bag was produced in a handful of colors and a color-blocked option too.

Chanel’s now-discontinued Jumbo Flap Bag is a hot ticket item on the resale market. Introduced in the mid 90s, this single flap, double chain-link strap, Matelasse leather bag is instantly recognizable due to its large, 24k gold CC turnstile lock.

While the vanity case is a most-wanted item right now thanks to the success of the Filigree Bag, this design dates best travel makeup organizer to the Audrey Hepburn era, when women used to carry cosmetics and toiletries whenever they traveled. The original Cosmetic Vanity Handbag was released in the 80s, and then Karl Lagerfeld introduced the Chanel Vanity Case in the ’90s.

Sometimes the bag you find is in less than perfect condition, but that’s ok! These days many resellers are purchasing lower-grade bags to upcycle and restore, and luckily there are a few experts out there who can restore and repair bags to like-new condition. We’ve become wallet card holder fond of Leather Surgeons, and once Gerry Gallagher and his leather surgeons complete their work on your pre-loved luxuries, you’ll be amazed by their expert craftsmanship and how they’re able to take a very used Chanel Classic Flap Bag and make it look 10 years younger.