Players will be able to create a character between Level 1302 to 1370 on their rosters to take part in this Hyper Express Event. During the event Buy Lost Ark Gold, they'll get honing materials and quickly increase their level to Item Level 1370.

The designated character will earn rewards upon reaching Item Level 1302 13, 1310, 1320 and every ten levels up to Item Level 1370.

Lost Ark: Best Shadowhunter Chaos Dungeon Build

Shadowhunters are an ideal class that can quickly clear Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark. They use the power of demons to destroy their foes. Shadowhunters swap between two stances; Human form and Demon form. At Level 50, players can choose to enhance the Demon form or stay in the Human form and deal damage. Both are feasible in any form of content, however in this particular build for Chaos Dungeons we're going to focus on oneof them, using Demonic Impulse. Demonic Impulse class engraving. If you're only starting out with a new Shadowhunter or you're looking to boost speed in Chaos Dungeon clear speed this will surely be the ideal Chaos Dungeon build to unleash the full potential of that chaotic power.

Lost Ark: Where To Find Every Mokoko Seed in Balankar Mountains

Balankar Mountains is a dark and dark area in Lost Ark. It is awash with undead, and other creatures The whole area is covered in darkness cheap Lost Ark Gold. The area is arranged in a linear pattern, leading through Rania Village to the Ancient Elveria dungeon. However, there are mokoko seedlings to be found along the way.