The reason Lost Ark Could Be the Future of "Pay to Win" Games

In recent years, more video games are being played with the rules of "pay-to-win" gaming design. If the examples of these games are anything to go by this industry's "pay-towin" problem might get worse before it gets better Buy Lost Ark Gold. There are few examples of the new age of pay-to-win methods than the controversy currently surrounding the well-known game called MMOARPG Lost Ark.

Lost Ark is one of the latest titles to come under fire for the shady use of microtransactions. The story began (or at least drew gamer angry players in a mass) with the introduction of this MMO's Argos Abyss raid.

Like other raids in MMOs like the Argos Abyss tests player skill, cooperation, and equipment power. To take part in the raid, though it is required that players have an item level of at least 1370. At first, that was not too difficult to imagine. After all, most Lost Ark players can get close to receiving a full set Tier 3 gear by following the regular game. But the difference between getting close to that figure and actually reaching it is where Lost Ark's seemingly shady pay-to-win system rears its head.See, it turns out that players don't have the ability to queue for Argos Abyss.

Argos Abyss raid if they're stuck at levels that are lower than 1370. In other MMOs there are requirements for gear that are more of a reference point than the standard. It is possible to queue when underleveled so long as they're comfortable being carried by their allies. This isn't the case In Lost Ark, you'll eventually need to increase your quality by running your equipment via the upgrade feature of the game. This is when problems begin.

The higher an item's level is in Lost Ark, the more resources you'll need to upgrade it. Although that's not atypical however, it turns out that items with higher levels are more likely not to "process" the upgrade request best place to buy Lost Ark Gold. At some point, the chances of success for an upgrade begin to plummet.