You wish to become a degenerate mount farmer and get the ultimate chad blue dragon hawk to show off your status like a person who truly doesn't have life. You're going to need to acquire a large number of mounts which is difficult in WotLK Classic with a smaller amount of mount options than retail WoW. But luckily, it is possible to do it all without farming just one rare dungeon mount. In this Ultimate WotLK phase 2 mount farming guide, we will be penetrating the easiest and fastest method of getting over 100 mounts for the Mountain o' Mounts achievement and also the Blue Dragonhawk mount.

Ultimate WotLK Phase 2 Mount Farming Guide - Easiest & Fastest Way To Get 100 Mounts for Mountain O’Mounts Achievement

At the start of the 100-mount farming guide, we will begin with all the easy methods to obtain mounts in WotLK phase 2. And as we obtain further with the guide, we'll start to discuss more difficult methods for getting mounts. You can effortlessly get the Albino Drake just by doing a few simple rep farms, but if those people wish to take it one step further we'll go all the way to getting 100 mounts.

Easy Mounts to Get in WoW - Faction Mounts Farming

We possess the major Alliance and horde mounts for a total of 33. To gain rep with one of these factions, all you need to do is do low-level quests after which when you run from quests, you need to do the rest of it by spending gold on rune cloth turnings in the cloth quartermasters. There's also the faction flying mounts to have an extra 7 mount and also the epic ones tend to be cheaper now at just 200 gold each. The origin tournament when released can get you an extra 15 mounts. You need to be exalted with each reputation to unlock the recolored mounts, there are 2 perfections with one extra one. For instance, to obtain the swift gray steed and also the stormwind steed, you need to be exalted with Stormwind. If you're human, you do not need that reputation grind, you need to simply be a champion of stormwind. To do that, you need to do the Valiant challenge quest to be a champion of this faction. And you can do that quest to be a champion of every single faction. There’s a mount you can purchase for either 500 gold and 5 Champion marks or 100 Champion marks. These are fun by doing the daily quests in the engine tournament. You'll need to unlock this currency by getting to the rank of a champion. To do that, you need to do daily quests to obtain 15 Aspirint’s Seals and 25 Valiant Seals which are unlocked by doing the daily quest. There are also the Silver Covenant mounts for Alliance and Sunreaver mounts for horde. To get exalted with one of these reps, just unequip a tabard when you need to do heroics. And once you're an exalted Champion, you can also obtain the Argent hippogriff. And now we have 61 mounts just by getting the faction mount.

Easiest Mounts to Farm in WotLK Phase 2 - Rep Mounts

Starting with Outlander reputation farms, you may also get another 8 towel bug mounts through getting exalted with Karani or Mag’har reputation. There are two big quest lines you can do to obtain close to revere, it comes down to the Assassin Quest from Trauma for Horde or quests in the Orebor, Harborage in Zangamarsh for that alliance. To finish grinding served by reputation, you simply kill ogres within their grand for that war beads. There are another 5 mounts that exist from the sky guard reputation, this starts in the quest fret from above in Shattrath. Farm rep by doing the daily quests and killing mobs and you may also use time loss offerings to summon extra bosses for additional reputation. A much longer grind but it's worth doing if you are wanting to obtain this achievement since you can get an additional 6 mounts may be the Netherwing reputation, which starts having a quest kindness in Shadow Moon Valley. All you need to do is keep doing daily quests every single day and make sure to get your Netherwing eggs for more reputation.

Moving to Northrend reputation, you will get Sons of Hodir exalted to obtain two Mammoth mounts. This starts the request, they took our men in storm peaks, you'll need to do that to unlock the reputation, and you can do daily quests here after which you may also turn in marks of Ulduar to obtain the reputation up and they're quite cheap now. And revered you can obtain the ice mammoth. If you've already got exalted having a woman's accord, you may also pick up the red drake mount there to have an extra one. And now we possess a total of 84 from farming reputations.

WoW WotLK Extra Northrend Mounts Farming

There are several other easy mounts to obtain in Northrend that simply require gold. For instance, you have the Exotic Mount vendor in Dalaran which could get you another 4 mounts and this may be the Armored Brown Bear, the Wooly Mammoth, the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth, and also the Armored Snowy Gryphon or even the Armored Blue Wind Rider. The Wooly Mammoth itself is bought with 200 badges of heroism and he can also obtain the black mammoth in the winter grasp vendor which costs 300 stone keeper shards.

There are another 4 mounts that you can effortlessly get in AQ20. You can obtain the silver ford mounts, all you need to do is keep farming the trash inside, returning to these entrants, and resetting it. And also obtain the Caverns of Time Bronze Drake because that's ridiculously easy because it is a guaranteed drop chance in heroic mode only. If you have professions, you might as well spend some gold to obtain the profession mounts.

By now, we now have covered all mounts easy to obtain in WoW WotLK Classic phase 2, they simply require gold and some a time sink rather than drop chances and achievements. And you should possess a total of 94, 96 if however, you are a Death Knight Warlock or Paladin since you get 2 extra class-specific mounts.

WoW Easiest Mounts - Profession Mounts Farming

If you're either one of these classes and also have both engineering and tailoring, it is possible to smash 100 without farming any rare mounts. Only a Warlock occasion to be in that situation, everybody else needs 2 extra mounts hitting that 100.

The Harder Options

Your choices are to do long farms. Farm mounts from dungeons or does achievements. So for example, you can do the winter grasp tiger rep farm which takes weeks, as well as the Un’Goro which may be the Horde equivalent. You got a def charger from Stratham with a 1% drop chance, but it is possible to farm that certain five times each hour. You may also do the Black War bear from killing the faction leaders if there is a group forming for that certain, then get that certain done, make use of the opportunity, or try to make your group. You've also got the Glory from the Hero Red Proto-Drake which may be the heroic dungeon achievement.

Now you most likely already got many of these achievements accidentally and you most likely only need to go and obtain the last little nitty-gritty weird achievements like obtaining the whole party impelled on the final boss of Gundrak. You've also got Glory from the Raider 10-man and 25-man for phase 1 raids that are going to obtain you the plagued Proto Drake off a Black Proto-Drake. And now Unduar continues to be released, you have the same achievement essentially for 10/25 man Ulduar which enable you to get the rusty Proto-Drake or even the iron-bound one. Even shortly, the same goes for Icecrown Citadel, you will obtain the undead flying dragon things.

So that may be the Ultimate 100-mount farming guide for Wrath from the Lich King Classic phase 2. Those are all the simplest mounts you can farm, they will be dropping from raids, and they will be dropping from heroic dungeons.