Here's the proper way to build the destroyer advanced class within the Lost Ark.

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Lost Ark offers players many classes and advanced classes to select from. Within the Warrior class, they'll locate one of their options may be the Destroyer advanced class. While he is among the slowest classes available, the trade-off may be the massive AOE damage he does together with his gravity hammer.

In Lost Ark, the Destroyer is among the most resilient classes the ball player can choose. He's got an all-natural resistance to many effects and selecting the right skills can improve how resistant he's. Unfortunately, many players might not see precisely what this class may be worth because of the insufficient good build. They'll have to focus on reducing cooldown times, while still permitting the use of burst attacks.

Choosing The Best Skills For The Destroyer

One of the first things players will have to do when establishing the best build for that Destroyer would be to choose the very best skills for that class. While they have several to select from, certain ones stick out above the rest. These are well suited for PVE and can make the ball player most effective in battle. When they choose their Awakening Skill, they'll wish to choose Terra Break to manage a lot of AOE damage.

The best skills to outfit a Destroyer with as well as their respective Tripods are listed below:


Tripod 1

Tripod 2

Tripod 3





Earth Eater

Red Shards


Rock Storm

Endure Pain

Gravity Enhancement


Hidden Pain

Heavy Crush

Quick Hit



Jumping Smash

Superior Charge

Armor Destruction


Perfect Swing

Weak Point Detection

Absolute Strength

Hour of Slaughter

Running Crash

Agile Movement



Seismic Hammer

Quick Prep

Absolute Strength

Starving Strength

Choosing The Right Engravings

Once the very best skills are chosen, the ball player will have to select the ideal engravings. For this build, the main focus is on using class engraving Rage Hammer. It may be easier for the two engravings to understand and causes the best amount of massive damage when confronted with enemies.

As for that standard engravings, they'll want to concentrate on using a combination of the following:

Grudge: It's best to get this level 3 before utilizing it, or it isn't much of a benefit. It increases outgoing damage by as much as +20% but additionally increases incoming damage through the same.

Barricade: This engraving boosts the damage output while shielding. It works great in conjunction with skills that create a shield as part of the function.

Master Brawler: The player may have their frontal attacks increased with this engraving, including skills like Dreadnaught.

Spirit Absorption: This engraving boosts the speed of attacks and movement. This can compensate for the excessively slow Destroyer animations.

What Stats To Focus On

When using Rage Hammer build, the ball player will have to focus on three important combat stats. These include Crit, Swiftness, and Specialization. They'll have to equip the best accessories and perform certain activities to enhance these stats to achieve the best ratio.

Crit ought to be 60% of the total stat points. Swiftness and Specialization should each be 20%. Increases Crit gives the ball player a boosted opportunity to land a vital hit. Specialization will specifically affect the ball player's Z and X skills. Swiftness will improve movement and attack speed while reducing cooldown times.

How To Change Skills For PVP

The build will have to be altered slightly for PVP, with some of the skills and Tripods being exchanged for others. These alterations will make the ball player dish out additional damage using their Destroyer.

The player will wish to use the next skills and Tripods in PVP to find the most damaging effect using their Destroyer:


Tripod 1

Tripod 2

Tripod 3





Earth Eater

Red Shards


Rock Storm

Endure Pain

Gravity Enhancement


Health Mentality

Jumping Smash

Superior Charge

Time Distortion

Gravity Inversion

Perfect Swing


Absolute Strength

Hour of Slaughter

Running Crash

Agile Movement

Elaborate Plan

Enhanced Advance

Seismic Hammer


Absolute Strength

Starving Strength

What Stats To Focus On In PVP

Stats will also have to be altered slightly during PVP. Instead of concentrating on Crit because of the primary stat, it will not be focused on whatsoever. Taking its place is going to be Swiftness because of the primary and Specialization because of the secondary. 75% of the stat points ought to be focused on increasing Swiftness and also the remainder on Specialization.

This allows the slower Destroyer to speed up significantly in battle during PVP fights, giving him a benefit he may not have. Putting the remaining on Specialization will enhance his special skills, which could increase the quantity of damage he causes. By changing the stat focus for PVP, the ball player will effectively be developing a monster the opposition may have a hard time handling.