All the records, then, has been accrued in Excel Microsoft 2013 for analytical targets and information. 23 different strategies plus warnings were recorded. Techniques were as follows: Ashi Barai (foot sweep), Mae Geri (the front kick), Jodan Mawashi Geri (higher roundhouse kick), Chudan Mawashi Geri (center roundhouse kick), Mae Mawashi Geri (flip kick), Ura Mawashi Geri (hook kick), Ushiro Ura Mawashi Geri (spinning heel kick), Ushiro Geri (again kick), Yoko Geri (facet kick), Kizami Zuki (Jab), Oi Zuki (lunge punch), Kizami Zuki Gyaku Zuki (jab + opposite punch), Kizami Zuki Oi Zuki (double face starting with the front hand), Oi Zuki Kizami Zuki (double face starting with rear hand), Kizami Zuki Oi Zuki Oi Zuki (triple face), Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch), Uraken (again fist), Haito Uchi (ridge hand), Uke (block), Nagashi Uke (sweeping block), Osae Uke (urgent block), Head Movement (keep away from),