All Genie Script-related materials are available in digital format. The programme Genie Script was initially priced at $57. 

However, it is presently available at a reduced price of $37. The Genie Script programme is available for purchase on the official website.

Within 365 days of purchase, if a consumer is unhappy with the Genie Script programme and does not achieve the desired results, they may request a refund.


Genie Script's New 30-Day Programme Includes Free Extras.

This bundle contains three additional items designed to enhance your manifesting journey:


The free Magical Scripting Journal Kit


This kit contains tried-and-true manifesting formulas that have helped millionaires consistently attract their desires. By using these protocols beginning tonight, you can increase your chances of quickly manifesting physical results.


Second complimentary bonus: 17 Oil Pheromone Lovers Kit


This kit contains 17 essential oils that, when applied to specific portions of the body, can instantly attract the person you desire within a three-foot radius.


Sage Poverty Cleaning Kit is the third free bonus.


This kit is designed to rid your living space of the negative energies associated with financial difficulties, such as debt and poor credit. By utilising this kit, you can purify your home of negative energies and create a positive environment that attracts prosperity and abundance ten times faster.


Free Extra Number Four: The Abundance Checks Kit


With this bundle, you will receive special checks that have assisted many individuals in attracting unanticipated income and prosperity. 

Simply leave the checks on your kitchen counter for a week, and you may begin to receive unexpected checks in your mailbox or bank account.


The Exotic Vacation Manifesting Kit is Free Bonus #5


This bundle contains one-of-a-kind first-class boarding passes that can help you manifest a fantasy vacation to your preferred international destination. Our me