"Diamonds are forever" and "Diamonds are a girl's best friend", these famous lines clearly denotes women's love for this precious gem. Like in the first line, diamonds are indeed forever, for they take nearly forever to be formed. Diamonds have different meanings for different persons. They symbolize love, money, and power while for many others, they are but gems for the rich.

Over the years, technology has improved. New innovations have made it possible to create lab grown diamonds on the lab, which is a faster and cheaper way of producing. These lab created diamonds are known as synthetic diamonds are composed of the same material as the mined diamonds. They are both made of pure carbon with a crystalline structure that their difference is highly indistinguishable by mere jewellers. This difference can only be detected by using specialized instruments. These lab diamonds are created by using several methods. The first and original way of creating lab diamonds is by HPHT or the High Pressure High Temperature process. This method is generally used because of its reasonably low cost. The process involves a pressure of 5 GPa at 1500 °C. The other methods are the CVD or the chemical vapour deposition, explosive formation and sonication.

There are several reasons why lab created diamonds has grown relatively larger in the market. First of which is the demand for diamonds are non-stop. People have it in their minds that diamonds are rare and expensive stones that its value would never decrease. Another reason is that it costs cheaper than the nature made diamond. People would most likely go for the cheaper alternative and since they are both made of the same material, the word fancy wouldn't be a fit description for it. Lastly, producing diamonds from the laboratories is much better for the environment than having to dig up the earth for them.