
In an era marked by evolving healthcare systems and rising medical costs, an increasing number of individuals and families are turning to alternative approaches to meet their healthcare needs. One such alternative gaining popularity is Health Sharing Ministries. These faith-based organizations provide a unique way for members to share medical expenses while adhering to a set of shared beliefs and values. In this article, we will delve into the world of Health Sharing Ministries, offering an overview of what they are, how they work, and the key factors to consider if you're contemplating joining one. What is a health sharing ministry?

What Are Health Sharing Ministries?

Health Sharing Ministries are voluntary, nonprofit organizations that facilitate the sharing of medical expenses among their members. They are typically rooted in Christian faith and principles, although some may be open to people of various religious backgrounds. Members of these ministries pool their financial resources to assist fellow members with healthcare costs, with the understanding that they are collectively responsible for each other's medical bills.

How Do Health Sharing Ministries Work?

Members of a Health Sharing Ministry contribute a predetermined monthly amount, often referred to as a "share." These shares are then allocated to individuals or families facing medical expenses. When a member has a qualified medical need, they submit their bills to the ministry for review. If the expense aligns with the ministry's guidelines, it is eligible for sharing. The ministry then directs funds from members' shares to cover the cost.

Key Features of Health Sharing Ministries:

  1. Faith-Based: Most Health Sharing Ministries require members to adhere to specific religious beliefs and values, often including regular church attendance and abstaining from activities such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

  2. Nonprofit: Health Sharing Ministries operate on a nonprofit basis, with the primary goal of assisting members in times of medical need rather than generating profits.

  3. Eligibility Requirements: Each ministry may have unique eligibility criteria, such as age restrictions or health status requirements.

  4. Shared Responsibility: Members understand that they are collectively responsible for each other's medical bills, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

  5. Exemption from Insurance Regulation: Health Sharing Ministries are not considered traditional insurance providers and are often exempt from certain insurance regulations, which can affect the scope of coverage and consumer protections.

Pros and Cons of Health Sharing Ministries


  • Potentially Lower Costs: Monthly shares in Health Sharing Ministries can be more affordable than traditional health insurance premiums.
  • Shared Values: Members often share similar religious beliefs and values, creating a sense of community and support.
  • Flexibility: Some ministries offer flexibility in choosing healthcare providers and treatments.


  • Limited Coverage: Health Sharing Ministries may not cover all medical expenses, leaving members responsible for certain types of care.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Meeting the eligibility criteria can be challenging for some individuals.
  • Uncertain Future: As these ministries are not regulated as insurance, there may be less certainty about the long-term sustainability of the sharing system.


Health Sharing Ministries offer an alternative approach to healthcare financing for those who are comfortable with faith-based principles and are willing to embrace a shared financial responsibility model. While they can provide cost-effective solutions and a sense of community, potential members should carefully consider their unique features and limitations before making a decision. Understanding the principles and operations of Health Sharing Ministries is essential to determine if they align with your healthcare needs and personal beliefs.