Blogs are an excellent way to keep your site's updated and fresh. Furthermore, Google really rewards websites which are constantly updating their content.

Blog posts can be an excellent way to establish relationships with customers and show your knowledge try2services. And they can double up as posts on social media and content for your newsletters.

For example, we love how our client Malary's created the 'fashion show' blog post, which showcases the latest fashions for Spring. It's timely and shareable content that highlights their merchandise.

If you're looking to make your site more modern, consider adding the blog section. You can call it your 'Blog,''Articles,''Stories,' or whatever suits your brand (note we file ours under 'Resources').

It is important to have a dedicated area on your site to post regular, fresh content.

If you already have a blog, now's a great time to update it! It's best to post every week, but it can be worth it to do it once per month.

5. And an eNewsletter Signup

Hopefully you already have an email list as it's one of the most important marketing resources that any company can possess. Consistent newsletters are one of the best ways to stay in the forefront of your potential clients.


Read: How to Design an Email Marketing Campaign Your Customers Will Love

Regularly sending out newsletters to your followers will allow you to establish a an enduring relationship with them. This will significantly increase your brand visibility.

Here are four suggestions to increase email opening rates.

Find out more on our website.


However, do you have an easy signup form for your email newsletter on your website? Do you think it's appealing?

The reality is first time visitors to your site may not instantly become customers. The most effective way to convert them into customers is to capture their email, so you can begin a relationship and begin to build trust.

That's why you need to make it as simple as you can for visitors to your website to join your list. If you don't have an eNewsletter sign-up form on your website, contact your web developer to add one.

Are you unsure which service is best? There is the complete on our website a list of newsletter service providers we recommend.

If you do have one Are you getting as many signups as you'd like? It could be time to change or modify your opt-in offers.

6. Make sure your site is easily shareable

The majority of websites today include links to your social media sites. It is a good idea to test their functionality at least once a month.

Since we're giving your site a once-over, look at the social media elements on your site. There may be links to social media sites.

But do you make it easy for other people to publish your information?

You should think about adding social media sharing capabilities on your website, particularly your blog posts, so that readers can easily send them out to their friends with just one click. This can create a lot more exposure for your brand as well as increase site traffic.

Ready, set, go!

We can update and refresh your site for Spring Review. Contact us today to learn more about our branding online, digital marketing, and web design solutions that will present your business to more clients who are willing to pay.