ure, coffee is no wine, but the world is wholeheartedly embracing it as a daily drink. So much so, it has now become the second most popular beverage globally. Specialty coffee particularly is gaining traction among coffee lovers. Like movies and books, people nowadays take pride in their knowledge of different Vietnamese coffee beans and love discussing them.  Words like aficionado, caffeine addicts, coffee nerds have not only earned a place in the social media bios but also in their identity. 

So how does one become a coffee nerd? Well, it’s not so difficult. Someone who boasts of knowing different coffee beans and specialty coffee like a pro is a potential sign of a coffee enthusiast. 

How Can You Become a Coffee Enthusiast? 

Eager to be one? Here are some tips and tricks that you may follow if you want to be known as a coffee enthusiast. 

  1. Know Your Beans

Did you know not all coffee is the same, and there are several varieties of Vietnamese coffee beans? Yes, coffee consumed worldwide is mostly made from one of the four main varieties: Robusta coffee beanArabica coffee bean, Excelsa coffee bean, Liberica coffee bean. All these coffee are produced by different countries and have their unique characteristics. So start by singling out each of the varieties and know its country of origin, taste profile, what makes it popular, etc.

  1. Know the Roasting Process

Half of the flavour of a coffee beans, especially if it’s a specialty coffee, comes from its roasting process. Depending on the type of the bean and the preference of the coffee drinkers in a place, the coffee beans can be either a light, medium, medium-dark or dark roast. Each level of roast builds a different taste profile for a coffee. Start by knowing which roast do you like the most, understand its nuances, and then gradually start moving on to the other ones.

Read More- TheCapheVietnam


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