Granite worth the investment? Is fletching worth it? What is the best way to RuneScape Gold do herblore? (guide wasn't helpful :) )-plain and simple Please. What is the best method to build an home? Are hunting and scouting really that simple? Are you able to easily get around? What should i do if I want to battle the tree spirit during the Lost City quest? What are the prices of the glory ammys? Is whip pricing increasing or decreasing?
It's more fun to actually discover these things. You'll also discover that you can have all of the information that exists however nothing can make it any more meaningful unless you go out and actually observe it. The best is ++ and posion on a dagger is a permanent.
You will need to choose which one you want to begin with, either summoning or herblore (so that you can gain access to these skills). It is all dependent on the level you are at such as whether you are capable of completing the lost city quest. You can train members to be whatever you like. Rock crabs or experiments.
Absolutely do not use cannonballs. There is no need for any quantity but thats good enough. Mortar is a wasted time. Just do the quest and get the right herb and secondary ingredients. Mix the ingredients together. There ought to be a diagram somewhere to guide you through the steps.
Errm the only way to get construction up is by building a house and furniture in it. Simple and difficult. It's all in Buy OSRS Fire Cape how sophisticated you are. For instance, when I joined the site I couldn't communicate anywhere on the globe without thinking twice.