Elien Spa - Honey Massage in Riga
Honey massage is one of the most popular types of massage.
In Elien Spa I recommend to try Honey Massage https://elienspa.lv/en/massage/honey-massage
This pleasant health–improving action will provide well-deserved relaxation, and with it - a number of positive effects that affect health and beauty.
Honey massage will help the body get rid of toxins. And what other advantages can it offer?
In addition to moisturizing, softening and cleansing the skin from accumulated pollutants, honey also stimulates and improves the function of organs through the reflexogenic zones of the back, restores the body's natural detoxification ability and acts as a prevention and treatment of the consequences of various "diseases of civilization".
When is honey massage recommended?
Honey massage is recommended in the following cases:
reduced immunity;
circulatory disorders;
rheumatic diseases and arthritis;
stomach, liver and intestinal disorders;
functional disorders of the pancreas;
fungal infections;
menstrual difficulties;
headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia;
nervous disorders;
chronic sinusitis, chronic colds and fevers;
deterioration of vitality and productivity, depression;
postoperative conditions;
for recovery and recovery after serious illnesses.
Pay attention! Do not perform the procedure during pregnancy and thrombosis! Before the massage, it is advisable to do an allergic reaction test – apply a little honey to the elbow bend and wait for 10 minutes. If the reaction does not occur, you can safely sign up for a healing procedure.
Elien Spa - Honey Massage in Riga Honey massage is one of the most popular types of massage. In Elien Spa I recommend to try Honey Massage https://elienspa.lv/en/massage/honey-massage This pleasant health–improving action will provide well-deserved relaxation, and with it - a number of positive effects that affect health and beauty. Honey massage will help the body get rid of toxins. And what other advantages can it offer? In addition to moisturizing, softening and cleansing the skin from accumulated pollutants, honey also stimulates and improves the function of organs through the reflexogenic zones of the back, restores the body's natural detoxification ability and acts as a prevention and treatment of the consequences of various "diseases of civilization". When is honey massage recommended? Honey massage is recommended in the following cases: reduced immunity; circulatory disorders; rheumatic diseases and arthritis; stomach, liver and intestinal disorders; functional disorders of the pancreas; fungal infections; menstrual difficulties; headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia; nervous disorders; chronic sinusitis, chronic colds and fevers; deterioration of vitality and productivity, depression; postoperative conditions; for recovery and recovery after serious illnesses. Pay attention! Do not perform the procedure during pregnancy and thrombosis! Before the massage, it is advisable to do an allergic reaction test – apply a little honey to the elbow bend and wait for 10 minutes. If the reaction does not occur, you can safely sign up for a healing procedure.
Honey Massage
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