Several Important Subjects You Should Study For the Group D Exam
Since working for the railways is considered to be an honour itself, many young students aspire to do so. If you are one of them, gather your courage and concentrate on your goal.

Everyone is working hard, but the key is to work wisely.

If you want to increase your chances of being hired at the RRB Group D level by the Railways, you should prioritise and pay close attention to the subjects that make up the majority of the exam.

Exam Pattern
First, it is important to understand the RRB Group D Exam Pattern.
The RRB Group D CBT Exam has 100 questions in total.
There is a 100-point limit for the RRB Group D CBT Exam.
Each response receives one point.
Every incorrect answer will result in a loss of one-third of a mark.
Candidates have to answer all the questions in 90 minutes.
Four disciplines will be covered in the exam: mathematics, general knowledge and current events, general intelligence and thinking, and general science.

Several Important Subjects You Should Study For the Group D Exam Since working for the railways is considered to be an honour itself, many young students aspire to do so. If you are one of them, gather your courage and concentrate on your goal. Everyone is working hard, but the key is to work wisely. If you want to increase your chances of being hired at the RRB Group D level by the Railways, you should prioritise and pay close attention to the subjects that make up the majority of the exam. Exam Pattern First, it is important to understand the RRB Group D Exam Pattern. The RRB Group D CBT Exam has 100 questions in total. There is a 100-point limit for the RRB Group D CBT Exam. Each response receives one point. Every incorrect answer will result in a loss of one-third of a mark. Candidates have to answer all the questions in 90 minutes. Four disciplines will be covered in the exam: mathematics, general knowledge and current events, general intelligence and thinking, and general science.
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