The Proof of Stake algorithm is historically a newer protocol: it was first used in the cryptocurrency PeerCoin in 2012.

The main advantage of PoS over PoW is that miners do not need to spend large amounts of electricity to create blocks .

The probability of forming another block in the blockchain is proportional to the proportion of the total number of tokens belonging to a particular participant.

Roughly speaking, the "richer" a miner is, the more chances he has to get a reward for a new block. But this is impossible to do without special software nbminer.

 Opponents of PoS operate on the fact that such mechanism contradicts the basic principle of cryptocurrencies, namely decentralization.

The accumulation of funds in the hands of one miner or a group of miners can lead to the centralization of the network 

Despite the criticism, some networks' developers are preparing for the transition from POW to PoS.

For example, the network's conversion to POS replaces two fundamental components of POW: miners for validators, computing power for ownership share.

For correctly validating a block, the validator receives a % of the share paid into the deposit contract.

Thus, the transition to PoS is expected in the Etherium network. To become a validator on the Etherium network, a user will need to make a deposit of 32 ETH or more.

Since both PoW and PoS do not fully meet the needs of the crypto community, there is increasing talk about hybrid mechanisms, where PoW can be used to form blockchain and PoS can be used to validate transactions