NZT-48 Limitless is a new natural supplement on the market that will enhance your brain. While the name might sound like some mysterious chemical, the truth is that this pill uses only natural ingredients. So, you don’t have to worry too much about your health when you use it, as the side effects are minimal. This supplement uses the name of the famous movie because it offers a somewhat similar effect. It’s not a nootropic that gives your brain extra powers, but it does help a lot to maintain your focus and improve the quality of your memory. So, it would be best if you understood the name more as an inspiration than anything else. The main effects advertised by the creators of the product include a sharper memory that will let you remember things a lot more easily, as well as an enhancement in focus, mood, decision-making, and attention span. By taking it, your mind will work faster and in a much more accurate way. So, you can think of it as a mild “intelligence drug.” It won’t change how your brain works and revolutionize science. Still, it may have a pretty good effect on you, especially if you are already experiencing issues focusing and remembering things because of your age.