Lost Ark Grayhammer Mine sixth Lost Ark Gold mokoko seeding site Enter the next open zone and beat the 50 brigands there. There's a statue of a green glow alongside a firepit located in the middle of the area. Then, at the foot of the statue is your sixth seed. Once you've cleared the path with the dynamite, head through the bridge and to the east. After you cross the path, you'll see a minecart which you must climb into in order to advance. However, don't get in now. Instead look to the left of the minecart, and you'll find the seventh seed located in the grass to the left of the barrel that's broken But it's inside the glowing quest area. After you've completed the quest and completed the quest, you'll be able to go on to the next section inside the dungeon. Mokoko Seed Eight - The Landing Point After a quick , roller-coaster-style cut-scene, you'll be deposited on a wooden platform. The eighth mokoko in The Grayhammer Mine dungeon is at the rear of the platform, just to the left of the torch by a rock. Continue the quest to the northeast of another cavern that is large enough to defeat the next gang of brigands. The northernmost point of the cave is the ninth seed. It's at the top of best place to buy Lost Ark Gold a huge, red-clothed structure at the edge of the cliff. Go southeast to the next cavern as well as the inevitable brigand war. In the northern part of this cavern are two barrels and the prisoner in a cage. Take out the barrels and expose the 10th seed, which will now be right in front of you.