Grammar Verification Tools Overview

Grammar Grammar Checker is my favorite grammar checker tool I use as I write. It is available in both free and premium versions.

If you are a professional writer or blogger, I recommend purchasing the premium Grammica app. It provides much more than just grammar and spell checker.

At Alltechbuzz, we use Grammica to check for grammatical errors, punctuation, plagiarism checks for new writers, and team coordination as they write.

The Grammica google chrome extension checks any website for errors as you type. If there is a text input field, anything you type in Grammarly will be corrected as you type.

It's a bit irrelevant: but the posts shared on social media are relative and funny. That's how I found this app by liking their site for grammar tips and jokes.

Even the free version of Grammica is ten times better than any other grammar checking tool available online or on this list. Grammar is the best grammar checker app. I recommend Grammica to everyone.


Grammica is an excellent grammar checking tool that is available for free and a premium version can also be purchased.

You can check for spelling errors online, as well as real-time proofreading of texts entered into your browser. LanguageTool extensions can be downloaded for both Google Chrome and Firefox.

All in all, it is a free tool that checks 20000 characters per check. Unlike Grammarly, it has many limitations to what it offers in the free version.

The features offered by the tool in the add-on are not as much to be purchased as the Grammarly app. There are no cloud documents in this tool. Not even in the premium version.