Understanding the behavior of the young consumer will significantly contribute to your company drawing strategies that are directly related to them and achieving better results. Especially in the investment field, this is an audience that has been increasingly concerned with undertaking and investing their money.

In this sense, as the real estate market stands out for its security and appreciation, it is a branch of interest for these people, who search for relevant information to convince them that they will do the right thing. In other words, it is the role of the professionals in your business to speak the language of these customers and win over this audience.

With this in mind, we have prepared this material so that you understand the importance of knowing it, in addition to checking some relevant characteristics. Continue reading and learn more!

What are the main characteristics of the young consumer?

First, let's explain in more detail how this audience behaves when consuming. Check out!

Research a lot

The first point of attention, and one of the main characteristics when we mention about the young consumer, is related to the fact that he researches long before making a decision. If you want to make an investment, for example, your first step will be to analyze the maximum amount of information available on the internet to identify which would be the most suitable alternatives and which best suit your profile.

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Unlike previous generations, who received information only on television, there is greater autonomy in this regard. In addition, people seek to solve their problems on their own, without the help of professionals.

Precisely for this reason, it is necessary for professionals in a company to show value to customers, so that they realize that they need these services and consultancy to be successful in the desired points.

Are pragmatic

Another important characteristic in the behavior of the young consumer is the fact that they are pragmatic. Among the main objectives is to achieve financial satisfaction and personal enrichment. For this, they do not act without thinking. Well connected with the previous point, including, since they investigate a lot before making a decision.

Prefer to invest in goods

When there is a younger investor profile analysis, which comprises between the ages of 16 and 24, there is not much interest in the stock exchange or other types of more complex applications. Its objective is to gather capital so that it can be invested in durable goods.

Here is the opportunity for real estate companies, who can bring the customer all the advantages they will have from that purchase. In addition to being a property, it tends to appreciate, unlike other purchases made (cars and motorbikes, for example).

Feel comfortable with internet searches

Especially when compared to an older profile, young consumers feel more comfortable searching on the internet. In this sense, it is interesting that the real estate company is digital (we will discuss this later) and bring relevant information to your client. Previous generations, on the other hand, prefer to go to banks or ask questions with friends and family before proceeding with any negotiations.

How to communicate with the young consumer?

Now that we know some of the essential characteristics related to the behavior of young consumers, it is time to understand how it is possible to reach this audience. Below, we’ve selected some important tips. Check out!

Have a presence on social networks

As we explained, young consumers feel free to ask questions on the internet. In this sense, it is necessary to make yourself present through digital marketing , so that you are found by those who have doubts about the subject. Here, it is necessary to turn your attention not only to the most common channels (Instagram and Facebook , for example), but also to LinkedIn and blog.

While LinkedIn makes your brand more professional, with the dissemination of more technical articles, on the blog, you have the opportunity to be found also in the main search channels. From a study of the most relevant keywords for your audience, there is the possibility of being among the top positions, so that the person accesses the channel, reads the article and is interested in requesting contact with any consultant of your real estate company. .

Use different communication channels

This suggestion to reach the public in a more attractive way also relates to one of its characteristics: the fact of being omnichannel, that is, communicating on different channels. Therefore, if your real estate company offers only the telephone as an alternative service, you will certainly be behind the competition.

To do this, invest in customer service over the internet, by phone, by email and also try using WhatsApp Business. In this last channel, there is the possibility to set up automatic responses to reassure the person who sent a question, so that he knows that the contact will be answered by a professional as soon as possible.

In addition, your company has the chance to metrify the messages that reach this channel, as well as select tags to improve the communication made.

Study about the target audience

It is not enough for the real estate management to study about this public. It is necessary that all professionals are aware of who these people are, what their pains are and the exact language to communicate, contributing to the construction of more effective marketing. For this, the ideal is to promote periodic training.

In addition to contributing so that all brokers have accurate information about this portion of the public, training also favors the productivity of the team as a whole. In addition, they increase the feeling of belonging of the people of a team (encouraging them to seek innovation on an ongoing basis) and help in attracting and retaining talent.

Points that can be worked on:

  • what are the most suitable products for young consumers;
  • what is the way to communicate;
  • important market data;
  • how to get around your sales objections .

In this material, you could learn a little more about the behavior of young consumers, their main characteristics, in addition to giving tips on how to communicate with this audience. For the results to be perceived more successfully, the ideal is that there is good planning, so that the necessary strategies are adopted and monitored by the entire team.