If you’re preparing foods for someone facing cancer you may want to forget the pizza, burger, and fries and instead focus on farm-to-table meats and fresh, seasonal produce according to research. According to the Cancer Nutrition Consortium, a two-year survey of cancer patients found that they preferred water, fruit juice, chicken, pasta, and stew as opposed to less healthy options.
If you’re preparing foods for someone facing cancer you may want to forget the pizza, burger, and fries and instead focus on farm-to-table meats and fresh, seasonal produce according to research. According to the Cancer Nutrition Consortium, a two-year survey of cancer patients found that they preferred water, fruit juice, chicken, pasta, and stew as opposed to less healthy options. https://cancercarenews.com/ccn-blog/study-shows-cancer-patients-prefer-skip-junk-food/
Gift Idea for Cancer Patients: Fresh Food Delivered Right to the Door
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